
quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Para sysadmins

Artigo pego no link

deep thoughts by sysadmins: Steve Stady and Seth Vidal
Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution license.

1. do it the same, over and over and over again

2. Backups are sacred! If you do not know if your backups are current,
then test them by restoring the data and comparing.

3. Do not make many, tiny partitions, make a smaller number
of larger partitions, instead.

4. Why change the system default when you don't have to?

5. Think now so you don't have to later (at 4am).

6. If you have to do it more than once, automate it. If you cannot
automate it, document it.

7. Personality is for people, not for computers.

8. "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

9. If you do not know what a machine will do when it is rebooted, then
it is not production ready.

10. Unless you write an essay on why you need to do something "special"
use the tools, procedures, techniques and resources the OS provided
for you.

11. Remember the Mack Truck Scenario: If no one will be able to figure
this out if you get hit by a Mack truck, then you're doing something

12. Revision Control! Comment!

13. Log and rotate logs. Log remotely for best effect.

14. Simplicity is its own reward.

15. If you haven't thought of at least one potential negative outcome
of hitting enter at the end of the command you just typed; then you
don't understand the command well enough to use it on a production

16. Use a unique marker for names of packages that are locally developed.
$domainname perhaps?

17. If you cannot enumerate every port that should be listening on a given
machine; then it is not production ready.

18. If the host firewalling allows access to more ports than ABSOLUTELY
necessary; then the host is not production ready.

19. If it seems like someone else would have encountered this problem
before, they probably have. We do not live in a vacuum. Google for
the answer


- Never ever make /tmp its own partition.
WTF? Use tmpfs as it was intended! If you are worried about
apps filling /tmp and starving memory or vice versa use
approparite ulimit controls! That's what they are there for.

- Nothing belongs in /etc/rcN.d except links to scripts in /etc/init.d

- If you're installing a binary and it's not installed using the system
packaging mechanism, then you are doing something wrong.

- Linux is not like solaris, do not treat it as such

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